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A bit of History

Paul F. Rogan

February 7, 1942 - January 14, 2022

Founder of Canadian Access

Born in Paris, France, in 1942, Paul emigrated to Canada as a very young man in search of a less suffocating society than what was offered in Europe.

At one time a director of the Libertarian Party of Canada, Paul actively pursued a lifelong interest in freedom and politics, especially as they relate to firearms use and ownership—he often states that he “did not go into ‘freedom’ because of his love of firearms but went into firearms because of his love of freedom”

Paul was a founding member of the National Firearm Association (NFA), a founding member of the Canadian Institute for Legislative Action (CILA) and a founding member of the RFOC movement, in British Columbia

He also raised a family in the Yukon Wilderness for over 14 years, as a full time trapper and commercial fisherman.

While having been a member of the Whitehorse Rifle and Pistol club for many decades, he never got involved seriously in target shooting but was for four years a shooting instructor for the Army Cadets in Whitehorse, Yukon

Paul’s lifelong interest in firearms culminated with him graduating from the Colorado School of Trades in Gunsmithing in 1978 year. He then operated a gunsmith shop in Whitehorse for over 3 decades.

While doing so, he bemoaned the lack of a serious tool of communication as it pertained to the firearm community. He felt the gun trade could use a newsletter permitting all gun aficionados to meet, exchange ideas, sell and buy guns and parts and everything related to the trade. It was also painfully obvious that all the available gun literature in Canada was shying away from controversy and that no one was actively picking up the fight for freedom and reasonable firearms legislation in any serious manner.

And so, in 1984, the first issue of Canadian Access to Firearms went to press.

And thanks to you all, it is still going, bigger and better than ever…

What we are NOT

We are not just another gun business — in fact we do not sell or buy guns (and never have) period! That is not our purpose!

We do not try or intend to compete with the multitude of internet firearm sites — many are excellent, but too many more of them are plain lousy and ABSOLUTELY NOT SECURE! Neither do we recommend anyone to stop using the internet — it is a wonderful tool that does many things extremely well, but, especially as far as firearms are concerned, not everything by quite a margin!

We are not not a flea market like most internet auction sites and other free for all sites but much more like a private gentlemen club by membership only! (You can read more by going to our home page and clicking on the “Why print” button).

We are not a glossy gun magazine with fantastic glossy pictures and a litanies of often repetitious articles or barely disguised sale pitch for manufacturers products—

One reader wrote : I pick up and read every gun rag I can get my hands on. There are no words to express my excitement as I eagerly await the latest article to pit the .375 against the .416. Nor can I begin to describe the satisfaction I feel upon learning about the newest and shortest magnums and how they will make every pre-WWII cartridge obsolete. I constantly read about plains rifles, mountain rifles, bean-field rifles, timber rifles, cross-canyon rifles, and swamp rifles so I know which of my rifles have lost their usefulness for a particular task and which new rifles to replace them with.

If it wasn’t for a regular diet of gun writer’s wisdom how could I intelligently ponder wood versus plastic, velocity versus mass, bonded versus monolithic, blued versus coated, or just where to mount my scope? If I hadn’t kept up with gun articles how would I have known about all twenty-eight versions of Remington’s model 700 and the subtle yet fundamental differences that make each one unique? How would I have known elk have grown immune to the effects of the .30-06 and .358 Win and can now only be killed with the 300 RUM and 376 Steyr? How would I have learned that ten different companies fixed the deficient 98 Mauser by cloning it and adding a copy of a Winchester safety?

This is definitely not what we do!

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